Speaking, Lectures, Workshops

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FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin - Digitalisierung & Nachhaltigkeit [keynote] 10/10/2024

︎ find the audio recording of my talk at aha! festival here


Woche der Umwelt - UN Global Digital Compact: Gestaltungschance für ein Nachhaltiges Digitales Zeitalter? [panel with Dirk Messner, Geraldine de Bastion & Marina Köhn] 05/06/2024

re:publica 2024 - Building just and sustainable digital infrastructures [panel with Frederike Kaltheuner & Camila Nobrega] 27/05/2024

Prater Galerie & Prater Digital - Copy Paste Waste [moderation] 03/2024-05/2024

KI: Immer größer, statt grüner? / Heinrich-Böll Foundation: Sustainable digital infrastructures [workshop with Michelle Thorne; & panel discussion] 29/01/2024

AI for low carbon cities / Heinrich-Böll Foundation [panel discussion with Robert Heinecke & Nikola Milojevic-Dupont] 16/01/2024


Johannes Kepler University Linz - Technology & Ethics [guest lecturer] - 12/2023-02/2024

Hybrid Plattform University of the Arts Berlin & Technical University Berlin - Digital Rights and Climate Justice [keynote] 07/12/2023

Nextcloud Conference - Digital sustainability - why it matters to create a just and green internet for all [keynote in Berlin] 17/09/23

Ars Electronica - Climate Justice and Digital Rights [facilitator digital deal summit] 06/09-10/09/23

RightsCon Conference - The Right to repair: a win for privacy, sustainability and human rights? [workshop with European Parliament, APC & Critical Infrastructure Lab] 06/23

Green Screen Event [documentation] 10/06-12/06/23

CPDP Conference - The global harms of powering artifical intelligence: Towards a sustainable future of data use and governance [panel with Sebastián Lehuedé, Anne Mollen, Kim van Sparrentak & Fieke Jansen]. 25/05/23:

Digitalisierung & Feminismus - Gleichstellungsstelle Landkreis Hildesheim [talk]. 08/03/23

EDRi 20th anniversary - The community: Expanding the network and coalitions in a changing field [fireside chat]. 21/03/23

MozFest 2023 - Where you (mis)-lead, we won’t follow: Naming misleading climate solutions and developing alternative narratives [workshop with Fieke Jansen, Maya Richman, Becky Kazansky & Evelin Heidel]. 23/03/23

Stakeholder-Dialog Bündnis 90 Die Grünen: Nachhaltigkeit & Digitalisierung 
Nachhaltigkeit & Digitalisierung [11/22-03/23] 

Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen - Data and Feminism, Intersectional approaches
[lecture + seminar]. 10/22-03/23


Johannes-Kepler University Linz - Tech Ethics [lecture + seminar]. 10/22-12/22

momentum Kongress - Was treibt, was reguliert die Innovation? [trackmoderation with Paola Lopez]. 13/10-16/10/22

Bits & Bäume conference - Building just and sustainable digital futures [curation + panel]. 01/10/22

Ada Lovelace Festival - Green Futures [deepdive]. 15/09/22

Branch @ Ars Electronica Linz - Urgent Crises, Slow Solutions [panel co-curation & organisation]. 10/09/22
Ars Electronica Linz - Feminist Futures for Branch Magazine [workshop]. 09/09/22

Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen - Data and Feminism, Intersectional approaches
[lecture + seminar]. 05/22-07/22

re:publica 22: Feminist Futures, Is there feminism in Web3? [workshop]. 08/06/22

Superrr Lab: Undoing Optimization - Book Reading with Alison Powell. 02/06/22

NRW: Open Space: Wie können wir Technologien imaginieren und entwicklen,
die sozial-ökologisch wünschenswert sind?

[input + interview]. 02/22

TU Berlin: Gender + Technology [lecture]. 22/01/22


Witness: Imagine Life, Work and Tech in a Low Carbon Future [event with
Chris Adams]. 19/11/21

TU Dresden: Imagining Other Worlds [lecture]. 25/11/21

EqualiZ Fachtagung: Alles ganz neu?! Intersektionale Perspektiven auf KI [talk]. 15/11/21

xLab Halle: Coded Bias [conversation with students]. 21/09/22

Zukunftsforum: Digitale öffentliche Räume [workshop with motif, Bundesministerium der Justiz & für Verbraucherschutz and superrr lab]. 15/09/21 & 13/10/21

KW Institute for Contemporary Art: Centering Care in Platform Work [workshop with motif]. 25/09/21

UnBias Bot: Technologische Zukünfte [interview]. 09/21

D3 Digital - Meet-Up Hamburg: Digital Vereint [talk]. 13/04/21

MozFest: Feminist Futures [workshop with motif]. 11/03/21

HU Berlin & Data Feminism Bookclub: Gender and Technology [lecture + workshop]. 24/02/21

Tasawar Collective: The Internet is a Fluffy cloud [talk]. 17/02/21

Hans-Böckler-Stiftung Konferenz Machtfragen der Digitalisierung: Frauen in der Plattformökonomie [lecture with motif]. 20/01/21


CDO-Netzwerk: Ethik & Digitalisierung [talk]. 16/12/20

Goethe Institute Kiew: Feminist Futures [workshop with motif]. 12/11/20

nachhaltig.digital: KI & Klimaschutz [talk]. 12/11/20

TU Berlin: Feminism & Technology [lecture]. 30/10/20

descon conference: Feminist Futures [talk & workshop with motif]. 29/10/20

Open Search Foundation: Suchen und Finden [talk]. 29/09/20

Hattusia: Tech Ethics in Times of Crises [talk]. 13/08/20

Leuphana University: Technology = Politics [lecture]. 08/06/20

Dritter Gleichstellungsbericht: Gleichstellungsorientierte Gestaltung von Plattformarbeit: Diskriminierungsrisiken, Chancen und Regulierungsansätze [expert-hearing with motif]. 27/05/20

Internet Freedom Festival - Community Knowledge Series: Constructing Feminist Tech through Fiction [workshop with Dalia Othman and motif]. 02/04/20

Hyperwerk Basel - Can I speak to the manager?! [one-week seminar with motif]. 10-13/03/20

AHA! - Ein Festival für Wissen: Wie können wir Algorithmen kontrollieren? [talk]. 08/02/20


KI-Camp - Die Forschungsconvention im Wissenschaftsjahr Künstliche Intelligenz: 10 Tactics for 2030 [workshop with motif]. 05/12/2019

KI und Wir* - Convention zu Künstlicher Intelligenz und Gender: Wie gelingt eine faire KI? Diversität von KI in Entwicklung und Vermittlung [panel]. Expert*innen-Inputs [moderation]. 22-23/11/2019

CityLAB Berlin & Berlin Science Week: Sustainable Futures - 30 Tactics for 2030 [concept, organisation & workshop with motif]. 05/11/19

Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes - Internationale Fachkonferenz: Feminist Futures [talk with motif]. 30/10/19

Opening Week Leuphana University: Of Categories and Boxes: Exploring Ethical Challenges in the Age of Datafication [lecture]. Smart City! Stupid City?! Reconfiguring Cities in the Age of Big Data [project supervision]. 07-11/10/19

Polis 180: Für eine gerechtere, zukunftsorientierte Digitalpolitik in Europa [panel]. 26/09/19

Innovators Club - 22. Deutschlandforum Wagemut, Neue Wege für Kommunen: Kriegen wir das hin? Ethik und Digitalisierung [talk]. 23/09/19

Das ist Netzpolitik! Konferenz: Feminist Futures [workshop with motif]. 13/09/19

Z2X19 - Das Festival der neuen Visionäre: Technological Fictions and Feminist Futures [workshop with motif]. 01/09/19

Newspeak House: Sustainable Tech Meetup [meetup & workshop]. 26/07/19

Deutsche Bahn Digital Base: Ethik und Künstliche Intelligenz - Hype oder Zukunft? [talk with motif]. 20/06/19

RightsCon: Technological Fictions and Feminist Futures [workshop with motif]. 13/06/19

Leuphana University: Technology = Politics. Societal Impacts of the Technological Transformation [lecture]. 27/05/19

re:publica 2019: Of Bees and Bytes. A Virtual Road Trip through a Feminist Internet [reading with motif]. 07/05/19

Fachtag GEWINN: Technological Fictions and Feminist Futures [workshop with motif]. 25/04/19

Universität der Künste Berlin: Wer denkt, fliegt raus [lecture with motif]. 15/04/19

Fachhochschule Salzburg: Ethics and Artificial Intelligence - Hype or Solution? [lecture]. 29/03/19

Polis 180 Policy Kitchen: Ethik und Künstliche Intelligenz - Hype oder Lösung? [talk]. 26/03/19


Brave New World Conference: Fallacious Technologies - Narratives of Big Tech [panel]. 09/11/18

Information+ Conference: Data Walk [workshop]. 19/10/18

NRW-Forum Düsseldorf - Meta Marathon: Data Ownership and the Future of Labour [talk]. 26/05/18

Data Justice Lab Conference - Exploring Social Justice in an Age of Datafication: The Social Construction of Algorithms [talk]. 22/05/18

re:publica 2018: Data Walk - Experiencing Data in Urban Space [workshop]. 03/05/18

Elevate Festival - New Activists for European Culture [panel]. 02/03/18


re:publica 2016 - Effi Beißt - Aktionen, Narrationen und Strategien für netzpolitik.org [workshop]. 03/05/16
mail at katrinfritsch dot com